Spiritual coaching

Spiritual coaching

It’s never been more essential (and challenging) to be grounded in a strong spiritual core and connected to the multi-dimensional web of life. From this still centre, you can observe calmly and respond appropriately to the often chaotic and fast-moving changes that are happening around you – without being overwhelmed or pulled off track. That’s why I offer spiritual coaching. In these tumultuous times, the invitation is to embody the full potential of your soul in every aspect of your daily life and so transform your experience of the world from the inside out. In doing so you play your unique part in weaving a more beautiful world built on the foundations of compassion, equality, justice and flourishing for all. 

Spiritual coaching sessions provide a space in which I help you to practice this holistic, soul-centred approach to life through learning to listen more closely to your intuition, the messages of your body, the more than human world, and guidance from your spiritual team. I empower you with energy practices, tools, techniques, and teaching that enable you to see always from a spiritual perspective and make clear decisions with focus and purpose. At times I may also use brief readings of one or two cards and my own insight to guide our work together but the emphasis is on you practicing soul sovereignty in a practical, supported environment.

Each session is shaped for you individually in line with your current circumstances and needs but, for example, we can focus on addressing a problem or challenge of the moment, enhance your spiritual development, or maximise well-being where there is an imbalance either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

Where do the sessions take place?

Wherever you are! Spiritual coaching sessions can take place in my healing room in beautiful and sacred Carmarthenshire, West Wales, but most of the work I do is internationally, over the phone, Skype, or Zoom.

How many sessions will I need?

Sometimes, one session is enough to address a specific problem or issue, but I recommend a series of four sessions initially to benefit from the most impact. Many clients like to continue with a regular monthly session to feel supported and to keep them on track through life’s ups and downs.

How do I book an appointment?

Once you’ve paid, I’ll send you an email invitation to book an appointment in my simple-to-use online calendar.

How much does a session cost?

Each session costs £53 and lasts for an hour. A special package rate is available of 4 sessions for £185.

How do I pay?

I ask for payment in advance of a phone/Skype/Zoom session. You can pay by Paypal using the buttons below, by cheque made out to Triple Moon or cash (face to face). Also note that I require 24 hours notice of an appointment cancellation, or full payment will be due.

Individual session:


Four sessions package:
