About Semele

About Semele Xerri

I am a unique spark of the divine, continually evolving into the fullest expression of who I truly am – 
and so are you!

My story

Always essentially spiritual from childhood, a difficult divorce kick-started me on the journey of reconnecting fully with my soul beyond the confines of the Christian church. Since then, I have walked hand-in-hand with the wise and wild woman within and my life has been transformed beyond recognition because of it, taking me from business world to healer/guide/teacher. Insatiably curious, I have studied and explored Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Tarot, mediumship, meditation, channelling, Druidry, Gnosticism, hypnotherapy, Celtic mythology, dowsing, past lives, astrology, and Spirit Release over the last 25 years, culminating in the particular blend of Intuitive Healing, Psychic Tarot Readings and Teaching I offer currently here at Triple Moon. My desire is always to empower you with your own spiritual intelligence which, in turn, fosters well-being as you align more to your soul.

In 2013 and 2014 I was guided to live in my camper van for 18 months and travelled to many of the UK’s ancient sacred sites, walking the landscape for hours and often sleeping at the edge of stone circles or on holy hills – thankfully my partner George and my collie Finn were only too happy to join in with the adventure. Through this daily, grounded experience, I learned to reconnect with ancestral wisdom and forge an enduring, intimate relationship with the living earth and the wider cosmos as a unified whole. Today as I watch our planet very visibly attempting to rebalance the effects of human damage, I appreciate fully that this sense of an embodied interconnection with all beings through the web of life is critical to spiritual and social evolution in these times. In my Animal Communication sessions the more than human world continues to prove just how much wisdom it has to offer if you’re ready to listen.

I am blessed with a clear and direct connection to Source and work closely with a wide range of spiritual allies, including a magnificent body of cosmic light beings who call themselves The Star Council. These wonderful spirits from many different dimensions inform and inspire everything I do, and they speak through me by what I call natural channelling. The words I most often hear clients use to describe me and my energy are “simple, pure, and deep”.

Developing a practical, personal spiritual practice based on the values I hold most dear has enabled me to live a joyful and satisfying life, aligned with my soul purpose and inspired creativity. For me that’s expressed through helping others in my professional work, the performing arts and writing, but for you it could be gardening, crafting, raising children, cooking, or nurturing a business. Any connection with me is infused with these qualities of creativity and inspiration – and given with compassion, acceptance, and a healthy dash of laughter (one of the best healers and vibration raisers I know)!

You and your unique, authentic presence are so needed. You chose to be here at this tumultuous time to help imagine and weave a more beautiful world and a flourishing future. Not only for yourself but for the generations to come. I’m here to help and inspire you on your way…

 Love, light and laughter,

Semele x

 “As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson